Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things I Hate on a Website

So I'm on a website and I click on a link
and the browser opens that link on the same page
But when I hit the 'Back' button on the browser.
It wouldn't go back to the initial website !!!
It keeps going back to that link page

It's so bloody annoying !!!!!
then I have to retype the url to go back to the initial website.
uuggghhhh :(

Another thing is
I understand about disabling right click to protect copyright.
But when I try to right click to "open page in a new tab"
and it wouldn't let me and there's a pop up msg that says "copyright bla bla bla"
That is also extremely annoying........
Now I can only have 1 page open from that website.
I think you can actually enable the right click on those websites
I'll post here when I find it.

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